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Great Gatsby
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

The Great Gatsby is truly one of the greatest
American novels. It is so important that it completely defined an
entire era exposing the decadence, greed, moral depravity,and empty
pursuits of pleasure during the 1980?s.The novel is narrated by Nick
Carraway who has recently moved to the West Egg region of New York
City. West Egg is a wealthy area inhabited by the new rich. They are
people who have recently acquired wealth, but lack the social
connections and prestige that people who had money their entire lives
have. Near West Egg is the region of East Egg, which is inhabited by
people who had money their entire lives and many social connections.
Nick?s neighbor is a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby, who lives in a
large mansion. Nick knows little about him, but sees that there is a
bright green light near his porch. Nick goes out to West Egg to meet
his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom, whom Nick knew from college. He
learns that Tom is seeing another woman named Myrtle Wilson. She lives
in an industrial dumping ground known as the Valley of the Ashes. This
is an allusion to The Wasteland, a famous poem by T.S. Eliot that
depicts the moral degradation of life during the 1920?s. Later on
Gatsby begins to throw lavish parties at his mansion that Nick begins
to attend. He learns that Gatsby knew Daisy when he was the army back
in 1917 and that he is still in love with her. He throws these gaudy
parties in an attempt to win back her heart. When Gatsby knew Daisy
before, he was poor so she ultimately rejected him. Every night he
stares at the bright green light near his home, which represents his
search for Daisy and meaning to his life. Eventually Nick invites Daisy
to Gatsby?s house and the two of them begin an affair. Tom suspects
this and becomes angry at Daisy even though he is having an
extramarital affair as well.Tom later learns that Gatsby used to be
a criminal and made a fortune bootlegging. Tom uses this information to
try to turn Daisy against him and it ends up working. This shows that
the pursuit of wealth was so important to Gatsby that he would use the
most dishonest methods to make a fortune just so he can win back
Daisy's heart. He is unable to see that she does not love his as a
person.Later on Gatsby lets Daisy borrow his Car and she accidentally
hits Myrtle Wilson and kills her. Tom tells Myrtle?s husband that
Gatsby was driving the car. He assumes that Gatsby is the one who was
having an affair with his wife and kills Gatsby while he is in his
swimming pool. The car accident is important in a symbolic way. Car
accidents are used to show the reckless lives of the people. Tom cheats
on his wife, but is angry when his wife cheats him and does not even
mind getting the man killed who is responsible. Daisy does not feel any
guilt for the accident and shows no concern for Gatsby despite all that
he has done for her.These people are all self-serving individuals who
do everything to better themselves at all costs. Almost nobody attends
Gatsby?s funeral. When he threw lavish parties at his house everybody
attended them, but when he died nobody cared about him to even attend
his funeral. Daisy only pretended to love because he became rich and
Gatsby saw that money was the only way he could get Daisy to like him.
The novel shows how people?s lives were driven by materialism and the
pursuit of wealth. The characters do not view each other as
individuals, but merely as ways of obtaining a fortune.

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- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

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