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Catcher In The Rye
(JD Salinger)

Catcher in the Rye is the most brilliant
book I have read that exposes the trials and tribulations of life as a
teenager. It tells the story of a sixteen year old named Holden
Caulfield and how his life spirals out of control as he searches for
meaning in a world he cannot understand. Holden is not specific from
where he is telling his story, but he is undergoing treatment at a
mental institution. It takes place during his autumn quarter and
Christmas.At the beginning of the novel, Holden learns that he is about
to be expelled from Pency because of his low grades. Pency is a
prestigious boarding school. Holden is not stupid, but he lacks the
motivation and desire to do his work. If he tried, he would be a decent
student. He returns to his dormitory where his roommate Ackley annoys
him because he smells and does not follow proper hygiene. Holden also
gets into a fight with another roommate named Stradlater. Stradlater
took a girl out named Jane whom Holden knows and admires. It makes
Holden angry that she might have had sex with Stradlater and they get
into a fight where Holden gets a bloody nose. At this point he becomes
sick of Pency and decides to leave early. He is suppose to get home on
Wednesday, but decides to leave Saturday night and spend a few days in
New York City. On his train back he meets the mother of a student at
Pency whom everybody dislikes. The student?s mother seems like a kind
person so Holden tells her made up stories about what a great person
her son is so she will feel proud of him.After being expelled rather
than going home he goes to New York where he spends a few days. He goes
to a few clubs where he is under-age and gets involved with a
prostitute. Despite his encounters Holden remains lonely and alienated
from the world around him. Holden is afraid of growing up and he views
the adult world as a scary and complex world full of phoniness. He is
afraid of complex relationships, potential conflicts, and the
responsibility associated with growing up. He believes that the adult
world is so fake that adults cannot even see their own phoniness.
Holden compares childhood as a large field of rye where children play
and the adult world to children falling off the cliff. Holden wants to
save the children from falling off so they can preserve their childhood.

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- The Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

- The Catcher In The Rye

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