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Dune Messiah
(Frank Hebert)

Twelve years have elapsed since the end of the first book in which Paul Atreides was declared the Emperor of the Known world by marrying Princess Irulan, which was only a political manoeuvre as we will see in this second part. During those twelve years, Paul has converted in the most powerful Emperor that has ever governed in the galaxy as he controls the Spatial Guild, the Bene Gesserit and the Bene Tleilax, strong social groups the previous Emperor, Shaddam IV could not control. But, in spite of his power as Emperor, he is incapable of stopping the jihad that has followed her crowning as the Fremen Messiah. Apart from this long war of the Fremen religious leaders who have conquered and destroyed many worlds, Paul?s Empire has problems on its own as he does not have an heir who will inherit his throne once he is gone; and furthermore, Reverent Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, Guild Steerman Edric, Tleilax Scytale and his own wife Irulan have created a complot that will render Paul powerless thus bringing back to them the power they feel theirs by nature.
The conspirators protected by Edric?s oracular powers, recreate Duncan Idaho, Paul?s best friend during childhood and one of his father?s most trusted men, in a reborn ghola called Hyatt whose main goal is to make Paul question himself of his Empire and his role as Emperor. Moreover, Hyatt is programmed to attract Paul?s sister Alia who has reached her sexual maturity, thus unbalancing the connexion brother and sister had before his arrival. Irulan on his part must make sure that Chani, Paul?s concubine and his real love, does not conceive a child by giving Chani a contraceptive. Little she does know that Paul himself is retarding his concubine pregnancy because he fears her death that will occur during childbirth.
As expected by the conspirators, Paul accepts their gift and welcomes Hyatt/Duncan to his service as Mentat and Zenshuni Philosopher. This acceptance of a reborn man created by the Bene Tleilax weakens Paul?s position within some Fremen who were unhappy with Paul?s changes of their home planet. Fremen strongly believe that everything that it is related with Bene Tleilax and Ix, a technological planet, is evil and has no place in their society. Convinced by one of Paul?s high priests Korba, some Fremen create a second plot to overthrown Paul and govern in his name.
Surrounded by plots and counterplots, and preoccupied by Chani?s health who has become pregnant due to a change of diet which avoids Irulan to give her the contraceptive, Paul decides to call Reverent Mother Gauis Helen Mohiam and bargain with her his beloved live. Paul offers the Bene Gesserit an Atreides child to Irulan by means of artificial insemination thus giving to the sisterhood the appreciated Atreides genes, in exchange he wants her promise that nobody will try to kill Chani. Reverent Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is not sure whether to accept Paul?s offer as her sisterhood also believes the Bene Tleilax to be evil, so she asks Paul for a conference to Wallach to ask her Mother Superior?s opinion on the offer. Meanwhile, the Bene Tleilax profiting a period of confusion manage to get into Paul?s court two further tools: a Shape dancer, Scytale who enters in the Keep by pretending to be Otheym?s daughter, one of Paul?s old Fedaykin; and Bijaz a dwarf that served in Otheym?s house.
The first complot seem to be working when Chani discovers that her pregnancy has some medical problems due to the contraceptive her body has. This discovery decides Paul to come back to the dessert where he is strong and well protected against any further complots, with him he brings Reverent Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, Otheym?s fake daughter, the ghola Hyatt, the dwarf Bijaz and some other people who are against his rule as Emperor. But before parting, he discovers Korba?s traitor complot in the middle of the Naib council so that Korba will be punished in the Fremen manner.In the dessert, every single complot will develop towwards their climatic final: Chani, as predicted by Paul dies during childbirth and Hyatt compelled by and intern program that Bijaz has activated tries to kill Paul thus creating a strong emotional wave within himself that will wake up Duncan?s memories. Having found their lever, the Bene Tleilax bargain with Paul the recovery of his beloved Chani in a ghola form, first through Bijaz who is killed by Duncan/Hyatt and latter by Otheym?s fake daughter who takes Paul?s newborn twins as hostages in order to be heard. Paul, who has lost his eyesight during an attack while visiting Otheym is totally blind as he has also lost his prescience sight having reached a climatic point, receives a prescient vision from his newborn son which permits him to kill Scytale with a knife. In order to avoid deification and to break the final threads that link him to the complots, Paul decides to walk into the dessert alone abandoning himself to the Maker as any normal blind man. Alia, then, will be the regent until Paul?s twin come to age and her first decision as regent is to kill every single person that plotted against her brother with the exception of Irulan who will pledge her fidelity towards Paul?s children

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