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The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe
(Douglas Adams)

Look straight, just after the horizon you could see them. Perhaps they are gossiping in the faded light. Of course, you cannot hear them. The breeze is yet to hit them a mild. Some of them are newly visited and confused with some traditions over the restaurant. There is a smoke, twisting from the chimney and cigars, of course, is not confusing for any thing else.

Still some spaces are yet to be occupied by some committed people. Hope so they may reach soon to occupy their awaiting spaces. Those are pretty spots for them. They will start wishing themselves and order their favorite drinks as soon they come in. However, they are very casual on this greeting and companion.

Most of us are inclined towards the spot surrounded by the chilling, and roof of the white smoke. Obvious it is after the horizon, at the end of the universe, just after the next planet. Many of us want to impress their footsteps on that land. This is an amazing feeling and experience to have the time. The restaurant at the end of the universe has no objection on frequency of our coming and going. Even she does ask our address and identity. She is not worried about our next visit also. We are immensely motivated to explore her by visiting a while. The moments we want to spend there leads to a discovery of the invisibles over there.

I am one of them, to explore the silence spot beyond the horizon. I can feel the calm, chilling, smoke and the emerged breeze before I come there. I spotted the corner where the mystery starts its illusion. The talk I can hear what I will speak holding the hand. I can test the sip with a smile before it gets cold. I am ready to start my move holding the soft hand. Just I am waiting ? until I hold.

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