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The Maker's Diet
(Dr. Arthur Agatson)

If you're interested in starting a diet that works, try reading Dr. Arthur Agatson's The South Beach Diet. It's chock-full of information on how to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. Dr. Agatson is a cardiologist who originally came up with the diet to help his patients. He tried it out on himself and was pleased with the results. Word spread fast and people were asking for his diet. Thus, he wrote the book, The South Beach Diet. It has become one of the best selling diet books of our time. The book is broken into two parts. In the first part, you'll find an explanation for what the diet is and what you can expect if you try it. Dr. Agatson explains in detail just what it is and what it's not. It's not a low carb diet although it does eliminate or reduce processed carbs. It's also not a low fat diet although you will eat some low fat foods. You'll learn the difference between good fats and bad fats so you can make better choices. You won't go hungry on this diet either. Dr. Agatson, in the second part of the book, gives you suggested meal plans and recipes that you can use as a guide. He emphasizes having a dessert after dinner each night to prevent 'cheating' on the diet. The first two weeks are the most restrictive, although not nearly as restrictive as Atkins. After that, you'll be in Phase Two and you have a bigger selection to choose from. You stay on Phase Two until you lose all the weight you want to, then you move to Phase Three. In Phase Three you will be adding even more foods and you'll feel like you aren't even dieting anymore. It's more like a change in lifestyle. My husband and I have both lost weight on this diet so I know it works. Check out the book and see if it's right for you.

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