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The Beacon Book Of Quotations By Women
(Rosalie Maggio)

The Beacon Book of Quotations By Women
Rosalie Maggio

This book of more than 5,000 quotations by women is a real treat for both the sexes. Organized by subject, the book manages to provide just the right words you are searching for, given a particular topic. It includes such notable women as Helen Keller, Ayn Rand, Emily Dickinson, Anne Frank, and Maya Angelou, in addition to some surprising appearances by women such as Julia Child, Leontyne Price, and Agatha Christie.
Put together thoughtfully, this book carries its weight in the world of quotation books. If not by its sheer size, then perhaps by the breadth and depth of subject matter, can it be found useful. Much more exhaustive then many of the other gift-like quotation books, this book actually expects you to make use of it ? whether in fact you are a writer yourself, looking for just the right words for a letter you are writing, or writing for a college course. The subjects within are so diversified that they include such topics as acceptance and independence, suicide and oysters, winter and wit. With over eight hundred subjects, there certainly has to be something to please everyone. Covering words spoken as far back as biblical times, to such modern speakers as Maya Angelou, the book is definitely an indulgence. With over two-thirds of the selections appearing together for the first time ever, the book is something of a historical literary treat. Over one thousand three hundred women from so many professions are shared here on these pages, with all their wit, insight and womanliness to boot. Athletes and authors, poets and scientists, musicians and politicians all share these pages for the first time together.
A must have for those who love to say just the right thing, The Beacon Book of Quotations By Women by Rosalie Maggio is definitely one for the shelf.

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