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Midsummer Night's Dream
(William Shakespeare)

Demetrius and Lysander both want Hermia but she only wants for Lysander. However, Hermia's father wants Demetrius for a son-in-law and dislikes Lysander so much that he is willing to lock his daughter in a convent the rest of her life rather than see them married. . To add to the confusion Helena is introduced, whose unrequited love burns hot for Demetrius. Hermia and Lysander make plans to flee from the city under cover of darkness but these plans are discovered and they are pursued by an enraged Demetrius (who is himself followed by an starry eyed Helena). In the forest, unbeknownst to the mortals, Oberon and Titania (King and Queen of the faeries) are having a spat over a servant boy. Oberon is furious that she would choose the boy over him, and plots revenge. He has Puck retrieve a flower, which causes people to fall in love with the first thing they see upon waking. Enter a group of labourers preparing a play for the Duke's wedding. The loudest and most braying of the bunch, Nick Bottom, whom Puck enchants with a donkey?s head and places so that Titania will se him immediately upon waking. Meanwhile, trying to help the mortals Oberon tells Puck to anoint them Demetrius so that he will fall in love with Helena. Unfortunately Puck anoints the wrong one and chaos ensues. Finally Oberon feels twinge of conscience over what he has done to Titania, and also realizes that he still loves her deeply. He releases her from the spell and warns Puck to clean up his mess. The next morning the lovers are found side by side asleep on the ground and as each awakes they see the one they love. Demetrius, now in love with Helena, gives up all claims to Hermia and their weddings are celebrated along with Thesus and Hipployta?s. That evening the group of labourers, give a performance for the wedding celebration and win a commendation from Thesus. Thus ends the midsummer night.

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- Midsummer Night's Dream

- Midsummer Night's Dream

- Midsummernights Dream

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