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Much Ado About Nothing
(William Shakespeare)

Hero, daughter of Signor Leonato, and Beatrice his niece eagerly await the return of the soldiers from battling the evil Don Jon. The play opens with the household receiving news that no one was lost o seriously injured and that everyone should be there by nightfall. Hero is particularly happy as she is in love with Count Claudio the prince's right hand man. Don Jon also arrives, as a prisoner, but allowed to be free within the confines of the house. Beatrice, though she refuses to admit it, it glad to see Don Benedick, confirmed bachelor and her favorite sparring partner. They all attend a masked party that evening and Claudio confides to the prince that he wishes to marry Hero. The prince agrees to help woo her. With Claudio watching from across the room, the prince goes to Hero to woo her in his name. Don Jon, never missing an opportunity to cause trouble, whispers to Claudio that the prince has told him he wanted Hero for himself. Claudio, furious leaves, only to soon be retrieved by Beatrice and told that the price did woo in his name and that Hero has consented to marry him. Everyone wishes them well and Beatrice laments that she cannot find a husband. When she leaves the prince gathers Claudio, Hero, and her father and uncle, and together they devise a plan to wed Benedick and Beatrice. Since there is a week until the wedding, there plan for each them to overhear conversation that the other is in love but refuses to admit it. Irritated that his plan failed at the party, Don Jon conspires to break up the wedding by accusing Hero of infidelity. He has one of his men make love to her maidservant near her open window and in the process call out Hero?s name. He then takes Claudio to a spot where he can observe the action. The next day at the altar, Claudio accuses Hero of being unfaithful, and storms out leaving Hero collapsed on the ground. Beatrice and Benedick are then at the chapel where they profess their love to each other and Beatrice asks him to swear to revenge Hero. In town, Don Jon?s man boasts of the success of the plot to his friend and is overheard by two idiot constables. They bring him in, bound in chains and the justice realizes just what has happened and immediately dispatches a message to Hero?s father. In the meantime, Hero has been hidden, and word is put out that she died from the false accusation. With the revelation of Don Jon plot Claudio begs forgiveness of hero?s father. Her father states that Claudio?s penance will be to hold vigil at Hero?s grave that night, and posting a letter on it stating her innocence. Then next day he is to marry Hero?s cousin. This satisfies Beatrice as well and she calls off Benedick?s revenge. The next day all the girls come veiled to the altar and Hero is handed to Claudio who must swear his love and pledge to marry before she is revealed. He does and is thrilled to see that Hero has not died. Beatrice and Benedick finally agree that they do love each other and the weddings continue with everyone happy- except maybe Don Jon.

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- Shakespearean Comedy

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