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This Present Darkness
(Frank Peretti)

Frank Peretti brings to life the struggle between good and evil with This Present Darkness. It's a war between Angels and Demons with human prayers being the fuel that gives the Angels their strength. You'll have a glimpse into the unseen while watching events unfold between the human characters. While it is a Christian novel, it's not based on biblical truths. It's fiction and should be taken as such. It's pure entertainment. However, it does make you think and realize how important prayer life is to a Christian's life. It will uplift, encourage, and strengthen your faith. For more sensitive people, it may be a bit scary. However, it's a good read. This Present Darkness is full of suspense and that in itself will keep you turning the pages looking for more. You'll be engrossed in it until the very end. Frank Peretti takes a townful of people and shows us how demons influence their everyday lives. He shows the reader what is happening with the people as well as the angels and demons. The story emphasizes how important it is to make the right choices in our every day decisions. Reading this book will make you think. The pastor of the town and a newspaper reporter team up to discover what is going on with the town. They discover that prayers do help. Good doesn't always win straight through the book. Peritti keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen as each battle begins. It's a Christian thriller that will appeal to both Christian and non-Christian alike. After you read this book, you will want to read the sequel, Piercing the Darkness. While I found This Present Darkness to be the better book, they were both a good read. If you're a Christian and you've found your faith floundering, this book will get you back on track and excited about being a child of God.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


