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Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix
(J.K. Rowling)

After fighting off an attack from Dementors during his stay at the Dursleys, Harry Potter is taken by a group of wizards to the home of his godfather, Sirus Black, and the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. The order is composed of wizards, and its role is to fight Lord Voldemort. Unfortunately, because the Minister for Magic refuses to admit the fact that Voldemort has returned, the order must operate in secrecy.

Back at Hogwarts, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge refuses to teach her students how to perform defense spells, and before long, she is appointed High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. This title gives her authority to inspect all faculty members and evaluate their skills. In desperation, Harry, Hermione, and Ron form their own Defense Against the Dark Arts group, also known as the D.A., or Dumbledore?s Army. Twenty-five other students sign up, and they meet as often as possible to learn and practice Defense spells.
Meanwhile, Harry?s sleep is haunting by disturbing dreams in which he is walking down a corridor at the Department of Mysteries, deep inside the Ministry of Magic. At the end of the corridor, Harry finds a room full of dusty glass spheres. The meaning of the dream remains a mystery to Harry.
The members of the D.A. progression is outstanding, but unfortunately, the group is caught by Umbridge. Dumbledore takes full responsibility for the group and resigns as Headmaster, therefore Umbridge takes over his position.
Harry has another vision, this time about Sirius being held captive and tortured by Voldemort. Horrified, Harry becomes determined to save him. Hermione warns Harry that Voldemort may be deliberately trying to lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries, but Harry is too concerned about Sirius to take any chances.
Harry and his friends are caught by Umbridge while trying to escape, but they manage to trick her into following them into the forest, where the centaurs take her away. The students embark on flying horses called Thestrals and head off to the Ministry of Magic. Once they arrive, Harry cannot find Sirius and realizes that Hermione was right. Harry also sees that one of the glass spheres has his name on it, as well as Voldemort?s. Harry grabs the sphere, and Death Eaters surround to attack, demanding that Harry hand over the prophecy. The students, soon helped by several members of the order, battle the Death Eaters. In the midst of the fight, Harry drops the glass sphere, and it shatters. During the fight, Sirius is killed, and Harry is devastated.
Dumbledore appears and finishes the battle, however Voldemort manages to escape. The headmaster explains to Harry how the sphere was a prophecy that stated that Harry has a power that Voldemort does not know about. Dumbledore tells Harry that the power is love. According to the prophecy Harry will either destroy Voldemort or be destroyed by him. Dumbledore also adds that because Harry is blessed by his mother?s love, he will be safe as long as he is with a blood relative, which is why he must spend summers with the Dursleys.

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