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Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone
(J.K. Rowling)

When Harry Potter?s parents were killed by the evil Voldemort who did not however succeed in killing their baby boy, Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry leaves Harry to his aunt and uncle.

For ten years, Harry is mistreated and lied to by the Dursleys, until a giant name Hagrid tells Harry the truth about how his parents were killed, and he lets him know that like them, he is a wizard.

The next day, Hagrid takes Harry shopping for school supplies in Diagon Alley, which is as the rest of the wizardry world, hidden to the eyes of muggles (normal people who are not wizards). There Harry learns that his parents left him with a very large amount of money. The following month, on the train to Hogwarts, Harry encounters and befriends Ron and Hermione who are also first year students. In addition, Harry realizes that he is famous in the wizard?s world after thwarting Lord Voldemort. Once arrived at school, Harry and his two new friends get assigned to the Gryffindor residential house.

At the beginning of the school year, Professor McGonagall witnessed Harry flying a broomstick and realizes that he has great talent. Impressed, she let?s Harry on the Quidditch, the adored game of wizards that is played on broomsticks and ressembles hockey somewhat. Harry?s nemesis, Draco Malfoy from the house of Slytherin is envious of Harry?s great skill and torments him the whole year.

Later during the year, Harry discovers a hidden trapdoor guarded by a three-headed dog in the forbidden third-floor corridor. On Christmas day, Harry receives his father?s invisibility cloak.

Harry, Ron and Hermione will slowly follow clues that they discovered during the course of the year, and realize that the three-headed dog was guarding the Sorcerer?s Stone, which is capable of providing eternal life and unlimited wealth to its owner. Another day, when Harry is in the Forbidden Forest as a punishment, he sees a hooded man drinking Unicorn Blood. He learns from a centaur that the man was Voldemort. Harry realizes that Voldemort is going to steal the Sorcerer?s Stone in order to reestablish his health, and that he must stop him.

After getting past the three-headed dog and many other challenges, Harry defeats Lord Voldemort, and Dumbledore decides that it is best to destroy the Sorcerer?s Stone. Harry then returns to the muggle world with the Dursleys.

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