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Second Glance
(Jodi Picoult)

I first discovered author Jodi Picoult in a book club I'm a member of. She blew me away with her controversial topics and interesting twists. I found her book, Second Glance, to be just as riveting as the other books I've read by her. This book is both a love story and a ghost story. The events reach across time to modern day. Picoult tells the story with vivid descriptions, incorporating a little humor here and there. As the book begins, you really have to pay close attention because you're reading from different points of view. After that, you'll find that it's quite a page turner. In fact, like some of her other books, I found myself re-reading the beginning after I finished. It gave me a whole new perspective after knowing what was going to happen at the end. Once again, she gives us a book that you can't guess the ending to. This author is just that good. She has obviously researched her topic and writes with authority about forensic procedures, as this has murder and intrigue in it as well. The main theme is how enduring love can be, even after death. The gist of the story is that a developer wants to build on top of Indian burial grounds. Even when weird things start to happen in town, he refuses to believe in ghosts. However, he soon employs a ghost hunter as his operations at the burial grounds are affected. As the ghost hunter uncovers the truth, he finds out more than he bargained for, and finds he is attached to the strange goings-on. The supernatural world is fascinating in itself, and while Picoult builds the story around 'real' human beings, she brings in just enough ghosts and strange happenings, to keep you interested and wanting more.

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