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The Color Purple
(Alice Walker)

Celie is the main character in this book she lives with her mother, father (Alphonso), and sister Nettie. Celie is viewed as being very ugly and Nettie is viewed as being the opposite. Alphonso beats and rapes Celie and she has had two children from her father which he has killed, a boy and a girl. Their mother dies and things start to change at the house. Both sister learn that there is a man(Mr__) willing to marry Celie. Initially he is attracted to Nettie but settles to marry Celie. Mr___ already was invovled with a woman named Shug Avery who was a lounge singer however he decided to someone else. Celie is than taken to his home where she as well suffers a great deal of abuse. Mr.___ still makes passes at Nettie and when she refuses Nettie and Celie are seperated for good.
Celie is taking care of Mr.____ kids and she is often times being treated with little or no respect. Mr._____son named Harpo falls in love with a women named Sophia. She is a very plump and demanding women who insist that Celie stick up for herself and not take any of Mr.____behavior and actions. Mr.____ also tells his son Harpo not to take any of Sophia smart mouth because it only leads to trouble. Harpo tries to beat Sophia however she always fights back and lets him know that she will not take his gruff. The mayors wife ask Sophia to be her maid and she responds negatively. The mayor slaps Sophia and she punches him placing her in jail.
Meanwhile Shug Avery returns to Mr.____house, while she performs on stage at a local pub she falls and she ends up return to the house of Mr.___. She initally doesn't like the company of Celie however they become very close and friends and even start to share a lesbian relationship together. Celie became very interested about sex and Shug was able to help her in her curiosity. Shug decided not to leave because she was aware that Mr.____beat Celie when she wasn't there. Although Mr.____ still had feelings for Shug, she had a new man named Grady. Shug also explained that she noticed Mr.____hidding letters in a special place in the house. Shug and Celie find the letters and Celie realizes that they are from Nettie, her sister that she thought was dead. Nettie explained in the letters that she had adopted two children and had started a family of her own. Celie was overcome with happiness and tried to find the strength not to kill Mr._____.
Sophia is let out of jail and she is surprised to find out that Harpo has found a new girlfriend named Squeak. She is angry at Harpo and beats Squeak for moving in on her husband. Sophia was also sentenced to serve twelve years as the mayors maid but he let her out six months early. Celie decides to leave Mr._____ after she screams at him wildly at the dinner table. Sophia and Shug are joining her as well. Thereafter she is informed that Aphonso, the man she thought was her biological father was actually her stepfather. He only claimed to be their real father because he wanted the land. The land was than given to Celia and she started her own taloring business where Sophia works after she marries Harpo again. Celie reconcile with Mr._____ and moves into her old home that is now her since her stepfathers death.

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- A Cor Púrpura

- The Color Purple

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