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The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
(C. S. Lewis)

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is the third book in C.S. Lewis'
Chronicles of Narnia. Edmund and Lucy are visiting their horrid cousin
Eustace, the very model of a stuck-up self-righteous prig. While trying
to hide from him and reminisce about Narnia, he comes to taunt them and
is drawn in with them through a picture on the wall of a Narnian ship.
This ship, the Dawn Treader, is captained by the King Caspian whom
Edmund and Lucy helped in the previous book.

Caspian is on a mission to explore the islands out at the edges of
Narnia and beyond. When his evil Uncle Miraz was disposing of the
rightful claimants to the throne, he convinced seven of the great Lords
to explore these islands, expecting them to never return. Caspian is on
a mission to find these lords, or at least discover what became of them.

At the first island, a supposed territory of Narnia, the adventurers
discover the existence of a hideous slave trade when the search party
is captured as slaves. Fortunately, Caspian is bought by one of the
seven lords, and with his help they overthrow the governor and abolish
the slave trade. The Lord Bern is left as the new ruler of the island,
and they continue to sail further out.

Eustace has done nothing but complain up until this point, making him a
royal pain to deal with. However at the next island they reach, he
comes across a dying dragon and attempts to steal part of its treasure.
In doing so, he is turned into a dragon himself. Only Aslan is able to
turn him back, in the process making him discover himself and become a
better person for it. The old dragon is then found to be another of the
missing Lords, and the shipmates sail onwards.

They encounter many adventures, including finding a lake that turns
everything in it to gold (including a Lord that unknowingly went
swimming), an island with invisible hopping creatures, a sea serpent,
and an island of darkness where all dreams (no matter how hideous) come
to life. Here they find another Lord, who has almost been driven mad.

They continue onwards, finding the last three Lords in an enchanted
sleep. Caspain meets the daughter of a star, and the three children
along with Reepicheep the mouse sail to the actual end of the world.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

- Prince Caspian

- As Crônicas De Nárnia : A Viagem Do Peregrino Da Alvorada

- Prince Caspian

- Prince Caspian

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