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Blood Sisters
(Judith Henry Wall)

Blood Sisters by Judith Henry Wall

They were the best of friends- Bonnie, the feminist oriented aspiring reporter, Jen, the prettiest girl in town, Helen, the academic up and comer, and the leader of the group, the graceful ballerina, Libby. They spent their school age years together and made plans to move to New York City and pursue their dreams after graduation. But one by one each girl found a man to love her and their professional dreams took a backseat to their domestic interests. All that is, except Libby.

Feeling bitter with her friends for abandoning their dreams for men, Libby who is described as being a snow princess who drives men wild, packs her bags and moves to New York City on her own. But after a very short, unsuccessful stint in New York, Libby returns home even more cynical than ever.

All three of her friends are happily married and have started families of their own by now. This does not sit well with Libby at all.

One night at a house party Libby arrives late and is acting very strangely. The friends can?t help commenting to each other afterwards about her unusual behavior.

The next day the men plan an outing together and so do the women. But Libby never shows up.

The friends go to her home to find out what happened to her and soon discover a scary truth- Libby has disappeared. She is gone and so is her car. Missing without a trace. The women are baffled.

Many years pass and the friends all experience changes in their lives, some good, some bad. But two constants remain- the closeness of the women?s friendship and the lack of evidence revolving around Libby?s disappearance.

But then one day something happens to affect the lives of everyone involved- Libby?s car is found and the mystery of her sudden disappearance begins to unravel. All at once no one is sure of anything anymore. The once steady marriages of the three couples are tested because of the turn of events.

The women are determined to get to the bottom of the horror that was visited on their friend Libby all those years before.

Questions remain. Did the women really know their friend at all? What secret was Libby harboring before she vanished without a trace? And what if anything are the women?s husbands hiding?

The complete truth will be revealed but not before tawdry secrets from the past are exposed. The truth might surprise you and definitely unsettle you. ?Blood Sisters? is Judith Henry Wall at her finest.

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