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Alice In Wonderland
(Lewish Caroll)

Alice sits outside with her sister and soon she sees a rabbit holding a pocket watch. She steps inside the rabbit hole and realizes that it leads to an entirely new world that she has never imagined. She sees a potion and a note that says to drink it..she does and it leads to a totally new land.She ends up in a world with a talking cat, a mad hater,queen of hearts and a few more friends. She is surprised by what she sees and his confused about the world she lives in. Many people explained that the characters represented alot of different icons and people in the world. Alice tries to figure out a way to get out of the supposed dream she is having.
The people she encounters seem to grant her with a bit of wisdom about the things that are occuring in her life. Intentially or not she able to gain some knowledge from her voyage. Throughout the book Alice grows smaller and larger and meets more and more new friends. She also meets a pigeon, a catapillar and a whole host of new animals. Alice is also invited to have tea with the Mad Hater as well as play crochet with the Queen of Hearts. Alice upsets her and she is taken by the Gryphon to the Mock Turtle. He tells stories about his school under the sea.
A whole host of events occur just until she gets attacked by some cards and she suddenly wakes up. She realizes that everything that has occured was simply a dream and that nothing was reality. The book takes a long journey into a world so different from reality to the naked eye but upclose comments of societal discourse that seemed to be plaguing the nation. This book brings back fond memories of excitement and interest about a world that seemed to only exist in Alice's mind.

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- Alice?s Adventures In Wonderland (1865)

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