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(Elie Wiesel)

This book is a classic piece of non-fiction that takes place during the Holocaust in World War II. Eliezer Wiesel is the main character and he describes his life living in a concentration camp. The book begins with a glimpse into Elizer simplictic life living in Germany before the concentration camps. Everything seem to be fine in Germany until the rize of Hitler. He seemed to convience so many Germans that Jews were the cause of the depression. In desperate times people tend to take desperate measures and indeed Jews were forced to leave their homes and travel into ghettos and concentration camps.
Eliezer explains his long journey being sepereated from his mother and sister. He and his father brush death but manage to exscape it quickly. They end up marching to Auschwitz where they are able to rest. Eliezer does want to eat the food he is given and seems to struggle with the fate of his life and his fathers. It is hard for him to understand the purpose of why Jews were targeted. He constantly struggles with his identity as well as his will to live.
His father eventaully dies at the camp and the ending of the book doesn't really seem to add closer. Although the people were rescued many were lost alot of their families and friends. The emotional rollercoaster throughout the book displayed the true depth of Elie Wiesels pain and discontent. As well as struggling with his identity Elie struggles with his religion he wonders why his God would forsake him and place his people in such a terrrible place. During the holiday of Yom Kippur he refuses to celebrate the holiday because his faith has wavered so much. This book truly displays the importance of faith adn gives an educational and imporant view into the life a man who lived through the Holocaust.

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