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(William Shakespeare)

Hamlet is one of Shakespeares most successful plays. In a world so complex Hamlet is forced to deal with the grief of his fathers death. His mother Gertrude seems to show no sign of sadness, in fact she plans on marrying her husbands brother. Hamlet is trapped between mourning and anger for his mother and uncle.Hamlets grief is prevelant throughout the play and he constantly deals with mental demons that seem to keep him from understanding what is real and fantasy.
In the beggining of the play it starts off by having Hamlets father appear to him, speaking much ghastly words about the future of the country. He also later reveals that his brother, and Hamlets uncle has killed him by pouring a poisin in his ear. The death of Hamlets father was initally thought to be caused by a snake bite, as explained by the Uncle. The play has many twist and turns that seem to display the many different aspect of Hamlet. For example Ophelia his a hopeless romantic who feels as though she is destined to find love and companionship. She eventually goes crazy and it seems to represent somewhat of the disarray Hamlet is in.
Throughout the play Shakespeare identifies important themes such as honor, love, loyalty, and morality; often things that are themes of present day society. What is unique about this play is that Hamlet identifies with somewhat of the words societal conflicts. He represents the hardships and as well as the deep-seeded love that oftentimes gets banished from ones soul during a trying ordeal. At the end of the play Hamlet in a sense is able to regain his mind and he kills Uncle and his mother as well dies. The ending of the play is all too reminisient of Shakespearian plays and displays that even when someone is trying hard to overcome somethings oftentimes somethings are just not accomplished the way one would hope.

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- Hamlet

- Hamlet

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