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Sense And Sensibility
(Jane Austen)

When Mr. Dashwood dies, British law requires that he leave the bulk of his estate to the son by his first marriage, which leaves his second wife and three daughters (Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret) in strained circumstances. Forced to vacate their home to John and his snobby wife, Fanny. While they are desperately seeking a new home, Fanny?s brother, Edward Farrows, stops for a visit, and soon he and Elinor form an attachment. This relationship is immediately squelched by Fanny who states clearly to Mrs. Dashwood that if Edward married ?beneath him? his mother would immediately disown him. Good news comes shortly in the form of an offer of a cottage-rent free- on the state of a kindly cousin, Sir John Middleton, and his jolly mother in law, Mrs. Jennings. On their last day at their old home Edward approaches Elinor to tell her something of importance, but is interrupted by Fanny and never gets to explain. They are warmly welcomed to their new home and invited to dine regularly with Sir John. However, no matter how kind and friendly their relatives are, the lack of fortune affects the marriageability of the practical Elinor and romantic Marianne. Mrs. Jennings tries to match the worthy (and rich) Colonel Brandon to her, but through minor accident, Marianne meets the dashing and fiery Willoughby, who is more to her taste. They begin a whirlwind romance, with Marianne tonally ignoring Colonel Brandon. Being a gentleman however, he quietly steps aside, but offers a picnic at his state for everyone. The day of the picnic a rider rushes to him and he leaves immediately with no explanation. Soon Marianne informs her mother and sisters that he wishes to speak with her alone the next morning during church. They come home, not to find her ecstatic with the joy of a proposal, but weeping and Willoughby cold and withdrawn. She will not speak of what happened and withdraws into a deep depression. Meanwhile, Mrs. Jennings?s daughter, Charlotte Palmer and her friend, Lucy Steele, come for a visit. Lucy attaches herself to Elinor and reveals that she has longed to meet her, due to kind words from their mutual acquaintance, Edward Farrows. Lucy soon reveals that her father was his tutor in Plymouth, and that she and Edward are secretly engaged. Elinor takes this news with her usual stoic reserve but is cut to the bone. Mrs. Jennings and Charlotte, decide the girls need a change of scenery. So they take all three to Mrs. Jennings house in London for the ?season?. Marianne immediately begins writing Willoughby daily but receives no reply. They receive a visit from Colonel Brandon who inquires about Marianne and Willoughby, Elinor informs him that she is not ware of an engagement between them, but there is some attachment. The girls attend a ball that evening and are introduced to Fanny?s younger brother Robert Farrows, Marianne soon spots Willoughby at the dance, and tries to approach him but he ignores her and moves back to a group he had been talking with and they begin to laugh at her. She becomes ill and Elinor and Mrs. Jennings rush her out. Lucy stays behind at the request of Robert and soon becomes a houseguest of Fanny, who takes her in as a protégé. Soon it is revealed that Willoughby has been disowned by his aunt ( and holder of the wealth in the family ) and is marrying a heiressi n order to hold on to his property. The reason for the disowning was the seduction and impregnation of Colonel Brandon?s young ward. Elinor diced that hoe would the best for Marianne at this point and Charlotte and her husband advise they can take her as far as their home and Colonel Brandon offers to see them the rest of the way. When they arrive a t the Palmer?s home, Marianne insists on taking a walk and gets drenched in a cold rain. She develops an infectious pneumonia and the doctor advises Charlote to take her child away. Colonel Brandon and the doctor stay with the girls but Marianne?s condition is so serious she has Colonel Brandon fetch her motther. Fortunate the fever breaks during the night and Marianne recovers and discovers that Brandon is her true love. Meanwhile, Lucy reveals her engagement to Edward and is thrown out by Fanny. Edward is disinherited but offer to stay true to his promise. However, several months after Lucy?s recovery, the houseman meets up with Lucy in town and tells the girls that she is now Mrs. Farrows. Shortly after this news, Edward comes to see them and reveals that Lucy did not marry him, but his brother Robert. He then proposes to Elinor, who accepts wholeheartedly.

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