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Sleeping Murder
(Agatha Christie)

As a newly married girl arrives in England for the first time, she rents a car to drive her around the south coast looking for a new house. Soon, she finds the perfect house; everything is exactly where she imagines it should be.
After purchasing the house, however, Gwenda finds that the house is almost too perfect. She pictures everything exactly if not as it is, as it was before. When she has the grounds redone to add steps leading down to the sea, she finds out that there were already steps there. While she awaits her husband's return from New Zealand, she decides to sleep in a small room at the side of the house rather than the big master bedroom at front and finds that it was a nursury before. She imagines the perfect wallpaper for the room and, to her shock, discovers that it actually was the original wallpaper of the house.
Fearing for her sanity, Gwenda escapes to London and after finding that her dreams about the house include a murder, needs the ingenious Miss Marple to solve the mystery.
Soon realizing that she must have been living in that house for a brief time as a very small child, Gwenda and her husband try to investigate a crime from over twenty years before. Though not easy, with the help of Miss Marple they soon find themselves getting closer and closer to the truth.
This book of Agatha Christie's is one of her most engaging. After Gwenda and her young husband start to dig up the sleeping murder which Gwenda witnessed as a child, they also awaken the murder to strike again. Miss Marple, with her conversations in the tea room and among the garden, is able to excavate, through the common daily occurances, the deep wells of private jealousy and hatred that lurk beneath the surface of a small sea side town in the south of England.

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