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You?re A Victim Of Some One Else?s Wishes, He?s A Product Of His Own Dreams
(Sunil Noronha)

What music is, what its not, it?ll be what it?s always been
Something new comes around only because the world?s state doesn?t fit in
With its mood of constant wellbeing when the world is riding high
With troubles no generation before could have seen and they wonder why it?s all going down

Your mother used to tell you, she must have driven it into your head
Of the melodies of a golden time when all was well
Never did she think at all that the world would degrade
Into a place barren of love and joy and all that keeps us sane

It could have been you?re father but what I know for sure
Is that sanity isn?t the condition of present existence anymore
People substitute it with a lot of things and tell themselves lies.
They?ll eventually have to realize that they?re the only people who they can?t fool.

You?ve so many people behind you, they like their music so soft and sweet
?That?s what we call music?, they say, ?Bring our hearts down a beat?
You oblige and you have been doing so all along that?s been the key to your survival
Since they either make you or break you, do as your told so you don?t end up singing on the streets.

That boy in the corner of this scenario, He?s as good as anyone else out there.
He?ll outlast everyone including you and he has an advantage in his case.
His passion isn?t driven into him, it?s a choice he made of his own will.
He won?t die disappointed even if he never gets to perform

He?s most probable to stop any when he can?t do on any more.
He die with music in his soul, it doesn?t matter if his dreams ever come true.
He holds them in his own hands, yours are in the hands of all those behind you
You?re a victim of someone else?s wishes, He?s a product of his own dreams.

Stick around, you?ll see him go far beyond
You may not be able to congratulate him
He?s all ready, it?s only you who?s in his way
If you really want to help get out of his way

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