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The Christian And Society
(Sunil Noronha)

For all the fiery messages delivered every so often about doing Gods will in ones life and going about it with passion and with ones entire heart and soul, the response isn?t all that impressive. The Christian still seems to act with extreme caution being careful not to step out of the boundaries of what society accepts. The Christian still wants to be accepted by society and wants to do things that it approves of with a radicalness that it accepts. When you?re out there and you have to make a choice that?s considered a statement, you?re to make the choice that wont bring scorn upon you even if you?re intention is to glorify the Lord and the Lord only.

Society and the world endorse competition. God doesn?t. In it, you have to make sure you end up on the right side of your decisions, choices and abilities because even though it doesn?t affect society and its members- if they don?t like it, you?re going to suffer for it. Neither does God endorse this. He only asks us to serve Him and Him only, not only upto when we stop to appease society, but the entire way. He is the only one whom we are to impress.

The race that everyone is to run respectively is not necessarily the same. Among the races that are to be run, there are a few that don?t have the approval of the society. The Christian hasn?t yet come to terms with the fact that those too are or can be of Gods plan. If God endorses them, then with faith we can go ahead and run them against their risk. Society always rates and its standards are none like Gods. That rating is what carries weight in society.

In my life, there?s no one to prove myself to, I?ve to keep myself fully satisfied that I?ve used what I?ve been giving well and will be able to give an account to God because he gave it all to me.
But I don?t want t o be the greatest or the best there ever was whatever the yardstick is according to all the rest.
I just want to have the best time that I can, don?t want to be a part of the competition because life?s a race to run, not a race to be won

Some people don?t do what they?d like but they do everything that it takes to show the world that they?re better than somebody else.
The injuries they sustain when they have proved their takes away everything that makes it worth its while.
Nowadays you lose too much if you?re intentions aren?t kept up with those I just mentioned-You might even lose what you deserve otherwise.
But when Jesus comes again, I know he?s going to judge me on the trail I left behind, not on how far from the finish line I am.

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