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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

The first in the chronicles of hapless Arthur Dent and his travels in the galaxy. Arthur is having the worst day of his life. He wakes up to find his house about to be demolished and soon finds himself lying in the mud arguing with civil servants. He is then taken away by his odd friend, Ford Prefect who- unknown to Arthur- is not an Earthling. About this time another demolition crew appears, but this time the target is the Earth. They escape Earth's destruction by seconds, using Ford's electronic "Thumb" to transport onto the construction "ship", which we learn are run by a race called to Vogons. Vogons are an unpleasant bureaucratic race that runs the galaxy?s government. They look horrible and from what we learn their poetry is even worse. Ford and Arthur are soon discovered and as is the fate of stowaways on Vogon ships they are read poetry and thrown out an airlock. Fortunately on the other end of the galaxy Zaphod Beeblebrox- president and rogue extraordinaire- has stole the space ship Heart of Gold that is equipped with the latest technology- the Infinite Improbability Drive? This device is the savior of Ford and Arthur as they only had a few seconds of air. once on the ship they are introduced to Marvin the Paranoid android and Trillian. Ford is happy to find his old friend Zaphod and Arthur is stunned to find Trillian is actually, Tricia McMillan- the only other surviving Earthling. Zaphod is on a quest to find the legendary planet of Magrathea, a planet of people who made planets. Using the logic the it's the most improbable planet that ever existed, Zaphod activated to Drive plots a course, despite the objections of his fellow crewmates. They arrive and after a few mishaps discover that not only did he find the planet, but the planet has awakened. Arthur meets up with Slartibartfast, his guide and award winning fjord maker. Arthur discovers that the plant they are making is earth- and that they were the original creators of Earth-, which is actually a giant computer design toe, discover the ultimate question of Life the Universe and everything (the answer is 49). The final blow is when Zaphod, Ford, Arthur and Trillian are invited to lunch by the purchasers- two white mice. The mice decide that Arthur's brain has the answer in it and decide to take it back with them. Arthur has several objections to this and the group escapes to their ship, which Zaphod tells to take them to the nearest restaurant.

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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