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The Testament
(John Grisham)

The Testament by John Grisham is a novel that weaves a story around three people. First you have a billionaire named Troy Phelan. He?s a hermit of sorts that keeps to himself. He is also bound to a wheelchair. He has a sad outlook on life and looks for a way to die. Life is no longer pleasant for him. And as is common in novels, and common to a near-death rich man, his heirs are waiting to see what they gain from his demise. Troy Phelan believes, and rightly so, that his children could care less for him and are only concerned about the money he will leave behind. Next, there is Nate O?Riley. He?s an attorney. He has basically led a self-serving life, thinking only of himself and how to get ahead. He?s also had problems with alcohol and has been in rehabilitation centers several times. His second marriage is suffering due to his lifestyle. Still, he manages to keep his sense of humor in tact. The next character is a young lady by the name of Rachel Lane. She has dedicated her life to the Lord and in doing so has chosen to leave all the amenities of modern times and go live in the jungles of Brazil. She works there with a primitive tribe of Indians. With these three characters in mind, remember this is called the Testament. As you will see as you read, the secret of the testament will affect them all. As always, author John Grisham weaves a tale complete with suspense and intrigue. If you?re a John Grisham fan, you won?t be disappointed in this book. If you?ve never read John Grisham, take a look and see what you?ve been missing. I highly recommend this one and if you like suspense with a legal twist, you?re sure to enjoy it.

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