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Perfect Match
(Jodi Picoult)

Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult is a novel that will keep you turning pages until you?ve reached the end. Picoult shows she has done her homework and knows her subject matter thoroughly. After you?ve read this book you?ll want to read more of her novels. And, like me, you may be scouring your local library to find more. Perfect Match is about an attorney who prosecutes child abusers. Her world is turned upsidedown when she discovers her own child has been sexually abused. Throughout the novel you feel and see her struggle between her life as a lawyer and her life as a mother. It will make you think about what you would do if you suddenly found yourself in her shoes. You will either shake your head at the mistakes she?s making or silently urge her own if you agree with her choices. The twists and turns in the novel will keep you on the edge of your seat. Just when you think everything has been settled, you?ll be surprised to learn of a new twist. Jodi Picoult is known for writing about controversial topics and this novel is no different. You?ll see the characters as they struggle with their decisions and question them once they are made. The plot intensifies as it goes. When I first heard what the book was about, I wasn?t sure I wanted to read about a child being sexually abused. However, Picoult has mastered the art of taking a tough subject and writing about it tastefully. She tugs at your heart strings and emotions as she weaves her story. Even though it?s fiction, you?ll believe it?s true-to-life. This is a good book to read if you?re a member of a reading group. The discussion would be riveting. Picoult masters the story-telling art in this one. By the time it ends, you?ll find yourself wanting more.

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