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The Ring Of The Slave Prince
(Bjarne Reuter)

The Ring Of the Slave Prince

t is 1639 and Tom O'Connor dreams of one day finding treasure enough to save his family from the dead end job they have working for a horrible inn on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean. One day Tom discovers a shipwrecked Spaniard by the name of Ramon the Pious and a small slave boy he names Bibido.

n exchange for his rescue Ramon offers to share the reward for the slave with tom, for the slave is in fact an African prince worth more gold than a man could dream of. But Ramon is seldom truthful and escapes with the slave leaving Tom with nothing. Unwilling to let his family down Tom sets off after the traitor and the slave.Working as he travels Tom has many adventures, from with sharks to the backstreets of Port Royal in Jamaica working as a fisherman and then a blacksmith. On visiting a strange bar with his master Tom bumps into no other than Ramon who is now looking for a way to end his life. Confessing that a plantation took the slave months ago Tom leaves immediately to find his treasure.

More adventures clutter Toms life as he struggles to find Bibedo, from slave revolts in sugar plantations to being hunted across Jamaica by the British slave owners, he finally escapes thanks to Ramón's sacrifice to a Spanish Galleon.Here working in the bottom of the ship he finds Bibedo or Boto as he calls himself. Desperate to escape with his prize they pretend to have Plague, finally finding themselves shipwrecked back at Nevis they manage to book passage on board another Spanish galleon heading east.Pirates, storms and slave ships hinder they're efforts to return to Botos home but after years of adventure they finally return to find out that Boto is in fact not a prince at all but a lowly fisherman's son!

Leaving empty-handed Tom, his sister and the Pirate captain leave once more to pursue their treasure hunts.

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