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Antony And Cleopatra
(William Shakespeare)

A love story containing conflict, romance, passion and tragedy, Antony and Cleopatra is a lesson in life as well as love. Shakespeare places in direct conflict from the opening scene to the finish love and war. While the great Marc Antony seeks to find love and make himself available for Cleopatra he has sacrificed his duty as solider to Rome causing the Roman Empire to suffer a loss that he feels is ultimately his fault for being away with Cleopatra. As he prepares to return to Rome Antony must choose between his love for Cleopatra and his loyalty to Rome. He choses his Rome and agrees to marry Casear's sister Octavia. This action solidifies an alliance between Antony and Casear.Even on the heels of his promises of faithfulness and to abandon his queen, Cleopatra, Antony's thoughts are with Eygpt. Predictions made by various servants and local gossip all foreshadow Antony's return to Eygpt and Cleopatra. Octavia is enraged as is Cleopatra by the circumstances even as a shaky alliance is formed between Casear, Antony and Pompey.

Antony returns to Eygpt crowning himself and Cleopatra rulers of the Eastern Empire causing Casear to declare war for this perceived act of treason. Cleopatra is asked to withdraw because she distracts Antony from his military duty and objectives. Cleopatra refuses to leave. In the end Antony is left alone and defeated at sea as he watches Cleopatra's forces join Casear. He contemplates suicide and receives word that Cleopatra who is hiding away had killed herself. Anotny begs Eros to kill him but instead Eros kills himself. Antony attempts to fall on his own sword and in doing so wounds himself mortally. He is then brought word that Cleopatra is alive and well. He is brought to her declaring his love and issuing words of caution. He dies there with her and she declares she also will die like a Roman. Cleopatra does commit suicide by using two snakes to poison herself. Her handmaiden does the same. Casear enters and in the final scene declares Cleopatra will be buried with Antony in a grand funeral.

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