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Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up
(Dave Barry)

This book is a must read ? it will challenge your concepts
of space, time, infinity, and what it is to be human. After reading this book,
you?ll want to run out and go do all those things that you?ve always wanted to
do. Like go climb a mountain or nurse a baby giraffe. Or maybe snort a line of
cocaine and run for president. Or chug a bottle of pink bismuth and challenge
your best friend to a foot race around the world (don?t forget your water

I would personally guarantee the content of this book but I
have been advised by my lawyers to avoid legally binding language. So you feel
like I haven?t said enough about the content of the book? Would you really want
me to give away the plot, the character development, or the gut wrenching

Every page of this book is guaranteed to have at least three
verbs, a noun or two, and several adjectives. That is how great writers write!
They also limit the number of contractions they use per page (look especially
at page 34 if you are reading the hard cover edition). They never use bland
color descriptions like red, yellow, or green, but rather they make up crazy
colors like vermillion, chartreuse, or puce.

Disclaimer: the above opinions are the sole property of the
submitter and do not reflect the opinions held by Shvoong, Shvoong?s mother,
the nation of Israel, or George ?Weapons of Mass Destruction? Bush. Feel free
to disregard any of the statements (at your own risk) but know that the book is
a very good one or the submitter would not have actually bothered to write an
abstract for it).

Disclaimer to the disclaimer: These are also not the
opinions of Dave Barry. However, it is assured that he would agree that
disclaimer to the disclaimer would be a great name for a rock band.

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