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I, Robot
(Isaac Asimov)

At the heart of traditional science fiction lies a series of short stories by the genius mind of Isaac Asimov called, "I, Robot." Written during the 1940s, these stories address questions which still sparks considerable discussion and spanned many a movie about the nature of the humans and machines they create.

Central to this volume is the ?Three Laws of Robotics? and the exploration of the evolution of computers to ?robots?. The reader must first step back to the time before personal computers and cybernetic devices and remember that, prior to the 1950s, few people had any experience with anything remotely like an android. Now, with a slew of popular TV shows and movies like Star Trek and The Terminator, today?s scifi connoisseur might find this book a bit dated.

That said, for the ?hard? scifi reader, this is a must read. Each short story explores a different aspect of the relationship between man and machine. Although far from exhaustive, it covers a truly amazing range of possibilities. Dr. Susan Calvin acts as the central character tying these stories together. She?s a robopsychologist who works for the corporation that manufacturing these intelligent robots and ?thinking? machines, U. S. Robot and Mechanical Men.

The whole range of human frailties and inherent issues surrounding these concepts come to life, so to speak, with the skill of a master crafter of words. With his scientific expertise and vivid imagination, Isaac Asimov weaves these stories into a fascinating mosaic of science fact and fiction. Asimov has been labeled as the creator of robotics, at least as the first popular piece of fiction which uses that term. Over the next five decades and multiple genres that Asimov wrote, this volume continues to impress even the jaded modern reader with his ability to stir the imagination.

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- I, Robot

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