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Journey To The Center Of The Earth
(Jules Verne)

This is a very easy read: it is perfectly easy to see why Verne's works are so often recommended to young readers. However this should not put you off, as it is a thoroughly entertaining book that can be read by all ages.

The book centers on Professor Lidenbrock, a geologist/mineralologist attached to a university in Hamburg, and his orphaned nephew Axel, who is his student and assistant. Axel also happens to be in love with his uncle's god-daughter Grauben, and whilst this does have an impact on the story, it is not really part of the main plot.

We begin with Axel's description of his uncle as a man who whilst not mean, if perhaps difficult to live with. The professor has discovered in an ancient text an encoded map that shows the starting point to a journey to the center of the earth. He is determined that neither he nor anyone in his house will rest nor eat until he has found the meaning of it.

With the professor's intelligence and Axel's luck, the pair decode the map and the professor prepares to embark on the journey, much to Axel's dismay. Axel is reluctant, partly because he does not believe that the centre of the earth can be reached, as science teaches us that it has a temperature of several million degrees, and partly because he does not wish to risk his life when he is so in love with Grauben. The professor puts forth a persuasive scientific argument that the centre of the earth can be reached, and Axel, with much reluctance and at Grauben's urging, is bulldozed into going along with the professor's plan.

The headstrong professor and his 'sensible' nephew Axel are engaging characters, and whilst Grauben is only really a minor character in the book, her influence on Axel and his actions is highlighted by Verne throughout the book.

With the help of an Icelandic man, the uncle and nephew venture into an extinct volcano and begin their descent. The rest of the book is about the hardships they endure, and the wonders that they experience. It is a tale of great adventure and is not too complicated. However, it is the simplicity of the plot and language that makes the book so enjoyable. It is highly recommended to anyone interested in the sci-fi genre. Jules Verne was, and still is, the master of science-fiction, and this is a book that everyone should read.

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- Journey To The Centre Of The Earth

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