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Henry Iv Part Two
(William Shakespeare)

After the tumultuous activities in Henry IV Part One, we
see the rebels who encroach upon the kingdom of Henry IV
disperse and the return of Hal, Henry IVs prodigal son, to
the fold. Hal has won acclaim in battle by defeating the
rebels and killing their leader, Hotspur in the previous

Henry IV, after all his battles is now ailing fast and
dying in England. He is trying to secure the kingdom as
best he can for his son, who has now returned to him in his
hour of need.

The rebels have convened in the North, trying to decide
what to do after the loss of their leader. They meet with
the English forces, led by Prince John, to negotiate a
peace. They are offered safety if they leave with their
armies and are promised a voice with the king to hear their
wishes. However, this is all merely an underhand plot by
Prince John and the rebels, after they have disbursed the
army, are arrested and executed for treason.

Back at the court, the King is fading fast. He has news of
the death of the final rebel leader, the Welshman Owen
Glendower. Henry also hears of the final defeat of the
northern rebels and their army. He feels that his kingdom
is becoming secure at last and offers a complete
reconciliation with his son, Hal.

After Henry IV dies, and Hal becomes king, the former
prodigal son?s old friends come to the palace looking for
favor from their new king. Hal, who cavorted with drunkards
and thieves in his youth, used to promise the men,
especially Falstaff, that once he was king he would help
them and give them many gifts. However, now that he has
been reconciled with his father, Hal has matured and is
renouncing his wayward past. When Falstaff comes to the
palace seeking rewards from the new king, Hal rejects him
for the final time, thus entering a new stage in his life.

Henry IV Part Two is one of the great history plays of
Shakespeare. The second part of a series of three,
including Henry IV Part One and then the triumph of Hal,
who now has become King Henry in Henry V. Through these
plays we see the evolution of Hal from spoiled rich child
to noble war-like King. Henry IV Part Two shows the return
to balance in the kingdom and among the people. Henry IV
and his son become reunited. Hal gains maturity and wisdom
and Henry is able to die knowing that he is leaving the
kingdom in good hands. The rebels are disbursed, and Lady
Percy, Hotspur?s wife, is able to convince her father, the
Earl of Northumberland, to leave the waging wars and bury
his grievances with his dead son. The play ends with a
restoration of goodness and nobility in the kingdom and the
final rejection of the negative forces at play, such as the
rebels and Falstaff.

Resumos Relacionados

- Henry Iv, Part I

- Henry V

- King Henry V

- Richard Ii

- A Man For All Seasons

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