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(William Shakespeare)

Set during the later years of the Roman Empire when they
battle the constant invasions from the Goths and Visigoths
of the North, Corialanus is a play about the fight between
being a great soldier in battle and a great politician.
Caius Marcius, the great soldier, refuses to play up to the
mob and though he has won many honors through battle he is
despised by the Roman people. The people who originally see
him as a hero, are upset by his rude behavior by calling
them savages and refusing to act as a politician ought to
by catering to their wishes and acknowledging their rights
as citizens of Rome.

Soon declared Corialanus, after his defeat of the city
Corioli, Corialanus returns to Rome to become consul, ruler
of the empire. Unfortunately, he needs the support of the
Roman people to do so. Corialanus finds himself unable to
change his behavior, and despite hi domineering mother?s
attempts to make him into a correct politician, Coriolanus
offends the public at all turns. Because of his outrageous
behavior towards the people, the Romans reject him,
sentence him to death and banish him from the city.

Out of vengeance, Corialanus goes off to his former
enemies, the Volscians, and convinces them to join him in
the sack of Rome. Finding him unstoppable, Corialanus?
mother and wife are the only ones able to entreat him to
stop the battle and leave Rome in peace. After succumbing
to their wishes, Corialanus returns to Rome only to be
accused of Treason and finally assassinated.

The play shows the harm of selfish action of a hero?s
denial of the rights of his people. Through his extreme
arrogance, Coriolanus almost destroys his people and his
Empire through his own wounded pride. Rather than submit to
listen to the public?s wishes, Coriolanus only expects them
to cater to his own and thus causes his own downfall.

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