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The Souls Of Black Folk
(W. E. B dubois)

?The Souls of Black Folk?

From reading the intro ?Forethought?, I gathered that W.E.B. Dubois was a bigger critic of his own writing than he audience was. Dubois carried around a lot of animosity and feels of rejection from his childhood form white kids. He also, felt like had to prove himself repeatedly. Why would a scholar as brilliant as W. E. B Dubois still care about what people were thinking of him? Then Mr. Dubois flips the script, and sounds confident about his blackness. I thought I was supposed to be reading about Mr. Dubois, but then he seems to talk about Booker T. Washington a bit. As I read on, I find that Dubois is now criticizing Booker T. Washington. What is going on? I thought Dubois admired Mr. Washington. Now, it is like he just telling tales of his childhood. I could not really get into this selection. I do not really know his stand on anything. It is as if Dubois is trying to cover everything in one narrative and its not really coming together. Dubois had written this narrative under the influence of old feelings that he was harboring. It is as if he held grudges against anyone that had ever done him wrong. He has some interesting things to say, but Dubois also babbled on for a while. This type of material can lose a reader. However, I guess what he felt was a lot of what many black men were feeling at the time. Mr. Dubois was a talented writer, even though, he was a little bit controversial with his thought process. I will give him credit. He did take chances with his writing.

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