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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

The Da Vinci Code takes our debonair hero, Robert Langdon, away from his
academic life and into a world of intrigue and mystery. Visiting Paris on a
lecture tour, Langdon a professor of Symbology, is asked by the local police
to help them with their enquiries. The curator of the Lourve, no less, has been
found dead in his own museum with Langdon's name written beside his
corpse in blood. Never a good thing to have happen to you, especially as the
local police chief is happy to accept Langdon as the obvious killer. The
curators beautiful Granddaughter and gifted Police Cryptologist Sophie
snatches Langdon from the Louvre. The pair then embark on an adventure to
prove Langdon?s innocence and find Sophie?s grandfathers killer.

In Langdon we have a hero who could easily fit into Indiana Jones?s hat.
He is a handsome, knowledgeable academic but not a stranger to the gym.
And as all true heroes do, he puts truth, justice and the preservation of world
artefacts before his own safety.

The Da Vinci Code is simply and skilfully written and will easily find its
way to the big screen.

The fast paced plot and well-drawn characters grab the reader early in
the book and keeps then entranced right to the end. It isn't all action packed
ght scenes or romantic sparks between the lead characters. Although these
do occur they are in balance and compliment the intrigue perfectly. The story
twists and turns nicely and doesn't quite end where you expect it to. Just as
you think you know what is going to happen a vital piece of information is
revealed, opening up new possibilities for the reader and main characters to

Dan Brown has produced a masterpiece of modern literature; well
worthy of its best seller status and definitely worth reading.

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- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

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