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Dear God
(Ramesh C Sura)

Dear God,

Every morning I see you with my eyes. I often see you at the moments of my happiness and at the moment of my sadness. Sometimes I wanted to see you more for my materialistic desires and sometimes I wanted to see you with no selfish thoughts in my mind. But I always wanted to see only you nothing else with total consciousness of really who I am (soul) ignoring what I wear (body). But whenever I think about this I see my family that loves me so much.

If you promise me that you will take care of my family and always give them happiness then I am yours. I know I am asking you a big favor but I am helpless. I do not want to leave my family without ensuring their safety. I know if you do this every responsible man in this world would be ready to be your. But it is you who created this bondage.

Hence my dear God I do not think this is going to work out for me. In fact this does not work out for every responsible man who loves his family. I promise you that I will see you every day and I will try to treat everyone as you. And I promise you once I fulfill all my responsibilities in this life I will be yours. Thank you for giving me what I needed.

I know you can do anything for you children. You are Generator Organizer Dictator. You Create things, Organize them and then you dictate them. You are the one and only one thats the reason every one trusts you. You are everything for us.

Please always and always bestow your wishes upon myself, my family and the entire mankind.

Warm Regards,
From Your Ever loving son
Ramesh Chandra

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