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The Secrets Of Love

This is one of the universal questions of all time. Why do we love?

Let us think for one moment about our species. Now, according to some, we have evolved from apes and monkeys into human beings over the millions of years. (I say 'some' because in the book by David Icke, 'The World's Biggest Secrets', he reveals that we all might have been created from the gene of Annunaki, a somewhat 'alien' from a far distant planet).

Humans, when compared to animals, have the distinct power and capability of thought and choices. A lioness will not abandon her newborn cubs because she doesn't have an option. A human can abandon a newborn child behind a dumpster because she chooses to. You can almost compare animals to pre-programmed systems and humans as the 'experiment'. That is not to say that animals don't love, they do. But their love has boundaries and we don't. That is the one beauty that we have still not fully realised about ourselves. It takes a wanting, a determination to want to see that blatant truth - that we were born to love, to live in love and die in love. Every single day that goes by without this magical yet most essential energy called love, we are killing within ourselves the Divine that depends on this energy to survive.

But, to get back to the main theme of this question - we ARE love, we were created out of love, our world IS love, yet we choose to put a boundary up on the amount of love we show or give or take. But the thing about love is that it is in abundance in all of us. It is the one resource existent through our humane lives that is so available, yet so scarcely used. Everything grows from love, whether it be a flower, a tree or a new born baby. We do not realise the full extent of this power that is so free and just there.

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