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The Firm
(John Gisham)

Many have seen the movie, but believe me the book is still
worth the read. The book begins with the main character
Mitch McDeere who is in desperate need of a job,
interviewing with the law firm of Bendini, Lambert & Locke
of Memphis. What makes this law firm so unique (and Mitch
doesn't know any of this until it is too late) is they only
hire a certain type of person. They have to be married,
ambitious, and white. What makes Mitch different then most
lawyers is that he comes from poverty and has a brother
serving time.

Of course Mitch takes the job and moves his pretty wife
Abby to Memphis to work for the International tax law firm.
They wine and dine in him by giving him money for a home, a
new BMW and other perks that are sure to impress the young
and naive and of course win his loyalty. Well, the reader
can tell pretty quickly that something is defiantly wrong
with this law firm. Right off, they bug Mitch?s house and
phone lines in order to monitor his daily life. And by
Chapter 5 two lawyers are suddenly killed.

. In the meantime Mitch is getting smart and knows that
something most be going on in the firm. So, he hires a
private to look into the deaths of the five lawyers from
the firm. Well, the FBI is on to the firm and they
approach Mitch and present him with an offer that he can?t

And this is where the book gets good in true John Gisham
style. Mitch must race against the clock to try to get
enough evidence against the firm, save his brother, and get
out of this little scheme in a better situation then when
he started it. Does that mean he fully cooperates with the
FBI? Does he truly turn his back on his lawyer firm? These
questions can all be answered by reading this wonderful
page turner of a book.


Resumos Relacionados

- The Firm

- The Firm

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- The Firm

- The Street Lawyer

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