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The Witches Of Chiswick
(Robert Rankin)

Robert Rankin combines science fiction, fantasy, adventure

and comedy in another of his mind-blowing stories. 'The

Witches of Chiswick' begins in the future, travels back

the past and ends in the present of today. On this

the main character encounters witches, robots,

characters of the Victorian era and even himself from

alternate reality. This character is likeable and

the sympathies of the reader, yet remains

enough for the reader to remain a little detached so as

still enjoy the tale should events take an unpleasant

for our hero.
Rankin attempts to tackle (in a thoroughly light hearted
and even flippant manner) the concept of God and ideas of
faith, whilst combining these ideas with time travel and
fairy tale elements, making for a complex and many handled
plot in which even the characters appear to become
confused! However, the plot is resolved at the end of the
tale and mysteries are explained;

the novel is a relatively easy read, yet action packed
and a real

page turner. The comedy is constant including several

running gags (even admitted by the author) and although

only occasionally laugh out loud funny, overall

a general sense of good feeling in the reader. Some of

concepts employed by Rankin may be seen as a bit
'silly' or

going a step too far, such as the use of a talking

as a messenger for God; however, other readers find

very reason to hail Rankin as a genius and he has
gained a

large cult following.

A story certainly not for the serious reader, but

definately for a fun-loving reader who wants to try

something a bit different and is prepared for the

unbelievable and mind blowing.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Blind Assassin

- Foundation

- The Five People You Meet In Heaven

- Back To The Bedroom

- New York Trilogy

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