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In Cold Blood
(Truman Capote)

In November of 1959 the Clutter family of Holcomb, Kansas were brutally murdered in their home. The news spread terror and outrage throughout the peaceful community and then the nation. A manhunt followed that eventually netted Richard Hickock and Perry Smith. The pair had heard stories of riches supposedly hidden in the farmhouse from another prisoner while behind bars. Perry, the submissive half of the partnership was in constant pain stemming from a motorcycle accident and consumed huge amounts of aspirin. By all accounts Richard, the leader, was a charismatic individual with a violent nature. The book is extremely well researched and brings incredible detail to the planning, execution, and aftermath of the crime.

Herbert Clutter was a hard working farmer 48 years of age. He was well liked and respected around Holcomb. His wife managed the affairs of the home even though she carried the burden of mental illness. His son and daughter were the very picture of the all American teenagers. The crime was made even more horrific, if possible, because the victims were bound and gagged and murdered execution style by knife and shotgun. Richard and Perry fled the scene virtually empty-handed adding to the meaningless of the slaying. After their capture the pair were the defendants in a sensational and lengthy trial that resulted in the sentence of death by hanging for both. They were executed one minute after midnight on Friday, May13, 1960. Truman Capote brings his best to In Cold Blood and it will stand forever as a classic tale of murder.

Truman Capote, a writer of legendary status, was a native of New Orleans. Born in 1924 he quickly established his place in literature with his first novel Other Voices, Other Rooms. His other works include The House of Flowers, The Glass Harp, and Breakfast at Tiffany?s. Capote died in Los Angeles, California on August 26,1984 of liver disease complicated by drug addiction. In Cold Blood was made into a major motion picture.

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