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Counter Force: Find The Tektrons
(George Erskine and Ian Cameron.)

This is a science fiction novel written for young teenagers. The story is about a band of young children who fight against an alien invasion by aliens that live inside computers. The book starts with an attempt on these children?s lives in revenge for previously thwarting the Tektron?s invasion plans.

The failed attempt on the children?s lives force the children to again seek out and attempt to wipe out the remaining alien presence on Earth. Their investigations take them to Japan where a worldwide corporation that seems to be controlled by Tektrons. The group befriends some local Japanese children and attempt to make dealings with local Yakuza to obtain information on the company that will hopefully help to uncover the newest plans of the alien invaders.

After some minor side adventures the group finally obtain the information that they need and discover that there is a large research base being built out in the Kenyan countryside. The research base is exactly the type of facility that the Tektrons would need to reproduce their race. After some preparation the group heads off to Kenya, taking with them some newly created gadgets to help them fight the Tektrons.

Arriving in Kenya the group meets up with some old friends of theirs that lead them out the facility that is heavily guarded by corporation security guards who are unknowingly working for the aliens, that control their bosses minds via computer. After successfully fooling the guards into chasing one of the group out into the Kenyan countryside the rest of the group hang glide into the research base and start to hunt down the Tektrons.
This leads to a nasty battle between Tektron controlled robots and laser mounts. The battle is complicated when two technicians are caught up in the cross fire and need to be helped to safety, and again when one of the teams is badly hurt by a well placed laser blast. Finally however the team is successful in defeating the plans of the Tektron invaders once again.

Resumos Relacionados

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