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The Tenth Victim
(Robert Sheckley)

This is the story of a victim and a hunter in a strange legal game of killing. The idea is that to stop wars from occurring humans need for violence is satisfied by allowing people to hunt down and kill or be killed by people who have agreed to play in this particularly strange game. That is broadcasted on TV and were the winners are presented with cash prizes.

The story starts with the heroine killing a Chinese businessman that had been hunting her. After her ease at killing this Chinaman, the story then jumps from America to Italy where an Italian gentleman has killed a German noble who was his mark by planting explosives in his shoes.

After the story has introduced the two main characters it goes on to track the exploits of the female in America who we learn is now the main character of the book and who?s next victim is the Italian man introduced only recently. To make matters more interesting this Italian man will be her tenth victim and thus will provide her with an extremely large cash prize as well as many, many other benefits.

This women, Caroline, works in a television company that has decided to broadcast her final killing live. Next the story jumps to Italy where the television company staff members are busy trying to track down Caroline?s victim and prepare the place of his execution. Which has been chosen to be the Coliseum in Rome.

Meanwhile the Italian man who is her victim has been having a terrible life, dealing with his slightly insane lover, and finalizing his divorce from his wife. When he learns that he is a victim in the next round of the hunt, he doesn?t seem to care, feeling life is almost not worth living.

An interesting turn of events occurs when Caroline meets this Italian as she is stalking him and falls in love with him, later after a failed attempt to kill him the two run off and end the story marrying each other.

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