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Romeo And Juliet
(William Shakespeare)

Romeo and Juliet

What can be more tragic than the unnecessary destruction of pure love? Yet, this tragic story is one of the most beautiful stories ever told by Shakespeare or anyone else. The story of Romeo and Juliet has captivated audiences, inspired songs, and been the spot light of many high school productions. How has this story managed to survive? How has this story managed to excel as the greatest love story of all time?

It is true that this tragedy that came from the brilliant mind of Shakespeare has stood the test of time. The reason for this is because the story itself is timeless. Everyone one of us longs for some sort of confirmation of our love. Although this validation cost Romeo and Juliet their lives, we wish for some less violent situation to give our significant other?s a chance to prove their love. That is why this tragedy will continue to be one of the greatest loves stories of all time.

Yet, even though this story contains a theme that is timeless, the play still holds an air of the past. The language that Shakespeare uses paints a very clear picture of the times. The way that Shakespeare rights is so fantastic because it makes you think. That is what a successful play, story, book, song, or any work of art should attempt.

The characters are also fascinating and timeless. The feuding parents, the bitter cousin, the comic relief, the innocent girl, and the charming boy, make this story come to live. Although, the characters add tremendously to the story, the story itself was genius. The ending of Sixth Sense had nothing compared to the impact that this story must have had when it first opened. This story will be in our hearts, dreams, theaters, books, songs, and imaginations for all the years to come.

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