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(Gini Graham Scott)

This is a Web site that connects writers with book publishers, literary agents, film producers, and film agents. It does so by sending out an e-query to hundreds of editors, agents, and producers, based on the type of project. The particular editors, agents, and producers are selected using keywords to identify their interests, and clients receive help with writing their query letter, so it will get read and attract interest. The service has had over 500 clients in the past 3 years, and over 100 of clients have testimonials about the effectiveness of the service on the Web site. There are also marketing tips on the site about how to find a publisher and agents, and visitors can receive a free article on what they need to provide and agent, editor, or film producers who asks to see more after receiving a query.

The Web site was developed by Gini Graham Scott, who has published over 40 books. Her Web sites are at www.ginigrahamscott.com and www.giniscott.com. You will find examples of her books, speaking, and seminars. She sold her last 6 books using the service -- A Survival Guide to Working with Humans from Amacom, A Survival Guide to Working with Bad Bosses from Amacom, a Complete Idiot's Guide to Party Plan Selling from Alpha Books, Do You Look Like Your Dog to Random House, From the Pens of Kids to Sasquatch Books, and Homicide by the Rich and Famous to Greenwood Press. Many other clients have obtained major deals, such as with Random House, Simon & Schuster, Hyperion.

The Web site was developed by Gini Graham Scott, who has published over 40 books. Her Web sites are at www.ginigrahamscott.com and www.giniscott.com. You will find examples of her books, speaking, and seminars. She sold her last 6 books using the service -- A Survival Guide to Working with Humans from Amacom, A Survival Guide to Working with Bad Bosses from Amacom, a Complete Idiot's Guide to Party Plan Selling from Alpha Books, Do You Look Like Your Dog to Random House, From the Pens of Kids to Sasquatch Books, and Homicide by the Rich and Famous to Greenwood Press. Many other clients have obtained major deals, such as with Random House, Simon & Schuster, Hyperion.
For more details, go to www.publishersandagents.net.

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