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To Kill A Mockingbird
(Harper Lee)

To Kill a Mockingbird is the story of Scout, a young girl growing up in deeply segregated Maycomb, Alabama during the depression. Her father, Atticus, is a prominent lawyer in the town. One summer, Scout and her brother, Jem, meet a young boy who lives in their neighborhood. The boy?s name is Dill. They all soon become friends and play together for the duration of the summer. During their time together, the children take an interest in Boo Radley, a man who lives in a house down the street and never goes outside. As the summer ends, Scout begins school for the first time. She hates it. The only things that make life tolerable are the gifts which Boo Radley leaves for them in a knothole of a tree on the Radley property. The next summer, Dill returns, and their fascination with Boo Radley continues. The night before Dill is to leave again, the three children sneak onto the Radley property. Mr. Nathan Radley, Boo?s Brother, mistakes them for intruders and shoots at them. They escape, but Jem loses his pants in the process. He later returns to retrieve them and finds them mended and hung neatly over the fence. Dill leaves again and school recommences. Scout and Jem continue to find presents in the knothole in the Radley tree. Soon, however, Mr. Nathan Radley fills the knothole with cement. Shortly after this happens, one of the homes in the neighborhood catches fire. As Scout stands outside in the cold watching the blaze, someone slips a blanket over her shoulders. She is convinced that it was Boo. Atticus soon decides to defend an African American man named Tom Robinson who has been accused of raping a white woman. This decision immediately makes the lives of Scout and Jem more difficult, as their classmates do not look kindly on their father?s actions. The children do, however, enjoy a newfound respect from Maycomb?s black community. As Tom Robinson is set to be tried, he is placed in a local jail. One night, a mob gathers to lynch him. Atticus stands between the mob and Tom Robinson. Scout and Jem, who have snuck out of the house, come to join him. The mob disperses. At the trial, Atticus gives convincing proof that the wounds suffered by the alleged rape victim, Mayella Ewell, we actually inflicted by her father upon discovering her having consensual sex with Tom. Despite his innocence, Tom is convicted. He later is shot trying to escape from prison. Even though Tom is found guilty, Bob Ewell, the father of Mayella, feels that he has been embarrassed. One night, he attacks Jem and Scout as they walk home from a Halloween party. The children are saved by Boo Radley, who intervenes. Boo ends up fatally stabbing Bob Ewell in the struggle. In the end, Scout talks to Atticus and realizes that Boo is a person just like everyone else. She also realizes that, despite what might be wrong with the world, people do still are generally good.

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