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To Kill A Mockingbird
(Harper Lee)

Harper Lee's timeless classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, is a captivating tale told through the eyes of a brave little 8-year old named Scout Finch. The story revolves around Scout's family (her brother Jem, and her father Atticus), and the trial of a young black man, Boo Radley, accused of raping a white woman. Set in the small southern town of Maycomb, Alabama during the depression era, the story turns into one that focuses on the triumph's of one girl's will for the truth, against the corruption of the south.

The Finches are first encountered by us during Scout's first year of school. She and her brother simply despise it and find better ways to use their time, by acting out scenes from Dracula and the like.
Harper Lee's timeless classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, is a captivating tale told through the eyes of a brave little 8-year old named Scout Finch. The story revolves around Scout's family (her brother Jem, and her father Atticus), and the trial of a young black man, Boo Radley, accused of raping a white woman. Set in the small southern town of Maycomb, Alabama during the depression era, the story turns into one that focuses on the triumph's of one girl's will for the truth, against the corruption of the south.

The Finches are first encountered by us during Scout's first year of school. She and her brother simply despise it and find better ways to use their time, by acting out scenes from Dracula and the like.
Harper Lee's timeless classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, is a captivating tale told through the eyes of a brave little 8-year old named Scout Finch. The story revolves around Scout's family (her brother Jem, and her father Atticus), and the trial of a young black man, Boo Radley, accused of raping a white woman. Set in the small southern town of Maycomb, Alabama during the depression era, the story turns into one that focuses on the triumph's of one girl's will for the truth, against the corruption of the south.

The Finches are first encountered by us during Scout's first year of school. She and her brother simply despise it and find better ways to use their time, by acting out scenes from Dracula and the like.

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- To Kill A Mocking Bird

- To Kill A Mockingbird

- To Kill A Mockingbird

- To Kill A Mockingbird, Part I

- To Kill A Mockingbird, Part I

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