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The Lord Of The Rings Part One: The Fellowship Of The Ring
(J. R. R. Tolkien)

The Fellowship of the Ring began where The Hobbit left off.  The story begins at the shire with Bilbo Baggins throwing a birthday party for himself, but it was also a going away party too.  He was left all of his belongings to his relatives and he left the ring to his nephew, Frodo.  Gandalf, the grey wizard, came and told Frodo that Golum, an evil creature corrupted by the ring, told the evil forces of Sauron where to find the ring.  Frodo desides that he must take the ring to be destroyed before it gets taken into the hands of Sauron. (The ring has the power to turn one invisible) Gandalf went to enlist the help of his friend Sarumon, a wizard of great power, but finds that he has been corrupted by his lust for power and fights Gandalf because he will not join him.  Gandalf excapes from the top of Sarumons tower.  Frodo gets taken to the elven city where he meets up with different races of people, such as elves, men, and dwarves.  They make a group called the fellowship of the ring, whos main goal is to see the ring destroyed.  They leave the elven city and go through the caverns of Moria.  These caverns are the homes to the dwarves.  They have found that the dwarves had been slaughtered by they orcs, Sauron's evil warriors.  One of the hobbits, knocks over a bucket into a well and notifies the orcs of their presence.  There is a battle and this is when they meet up with the Belroc, an evil creature from the Shadows.  They flee from it but Gandalf, while trying to keep the Belroc from passing the bridge of Amandia, gets pulled down into the Shadows by the Belroc.  Then they go to the elf witch who shows Frodo what will happen if his mission to destroy the ring fails.  Meanwhile, Sarumon  turns his tower into a breeding ground for orcs and sends them to capture the hobits to get the ring.  His attempt fails and Frodo and Sam leave on their own to continue the journey alone toward Mordor, the land of Sauron.

-Authors comments:  The book was great.  The genius behind it was immense.  Tolkien created each of these races of men, elves, and dwarves and given them history, culture, and a language of their own.  The symbolism behind the ring is truely amazing.  The ring could represent so many things in our own lives such as money, fame or even happiness, and how corrupt that we can become to get the ring.  We can become so caught up in things that we truely become something evil like the character, Golum.  Or when we get involved with the ring it can consume us, but their is hope to get out of it.  And when we do we are never quite the same.  And those who can resist the power of the ring, will truely become great and who they were meant to be.

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- The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

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- Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring

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