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Wrds Of Wisdom
(Carlos Gonzalez)

1.How can you see what is on the other side of the mountain if your still at the bottom.
2.Your walk in life only becomes tiring when you have a lot to carry.
3.Never accept the negative things people say you are; you know who you are.
4.You have the ability to be whom you want; the disability is you not knowing who you want to be.
5.This road in life is long don?t just stop in the middle you might miss what?s ahead for you.
 6. The end of all things in your life happens when you submit them to their final exile.
7. Success is not how much you have done; it?s how you rose above the hurdles.
8. Life is not what you make it; it?s how you make it.
9. Happiness is like a ladder the higher you climb the more everything else looks small.
10. Don?t let life run you into a wall; you run with it over the wall.

11.Your character forms your personality; your personality forms your individuality all three are all in the same.
12.Dreams are expectations not put into action.
13.You only know what you limit yourself to know; and knowledge is the key to life.
14.How you acknowledge life is how you will give back to life.
15.Your achievements are only considered when you have carried them out and believed in them.
16.Why worry about things to come when they haven?t even gotten here yet, plan for them don?t let them stress you out.
17. Stress only happens when you decide to let it burden you, and it gets heavier if you keep adding to it.
18. Remember if we have the strength to carry heavy loads we also have the strength to help others when they are too weak to carry theirs.
19. We can only see as far as our eyes can allow us to, but ideas and Dreams are life?s glasses to see beyond our vision.
20. Where we are going is good but knowing how to get there is another story.

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