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(Roald Dahl)

The ugliest and most gruesome creatures just dont come out on Halloween night but live normal and quiet lives as witches. To the naked-eye they may seem so delicate, however under their wigs and mask they are some the most hedious witches you'll ever seen. A young boy, Luke finds this out after his parents untimely death, he moves to England to live with his grandmother and realizes through much adventure that things are not always what they seem.
Lukes grandmother warns him about witches. She reminds him to always be aware of long fingernails, wierd eyes, and other horrid traits that these witches try to conceal. She also explains that he should never be fooled by the kindness of these witches because it only leads to disaster. Subsequently he is able to stay out of the company of these witches, however after his grandmother becomes ill they visit a resort where it just so happens the witches are having an annual convention.
The events that unfold are of much excitement and mystery. Luke meets a pudgy boy named Bruno at this resort and they do alot of work to determine the reasons why the witches are meeting. The Grand-High witch created a potion that would turn all the children in England into mice.This potion was cleverly hidden into a piece of chocolate so not to be undesirable to children. Unfortunately Bruno, the comrade befriended by Luke became the the test dummy for the witches potion. Skillfully he was tricked into the banquet Hall where the witches were having their convention and given a whole bar of this poisonous chocolate. As quickly as he ate the chocolate is as fast as he turned into a little mouse.
Luke almost becomes witch dinner when he hides behind the stage in the banquet hall while the witches converse about the potion that the Grand-High Witch has made. Just as Bruno becomes a mouse they begin to chase him around and they try to kill him. As the witches run frantically to kill Bruno one stumbles upon Luke hiding. They all try to grab him and make sure that he doesn't get away. Luke and Bruno are able to flea but still seem to dodge them throughout the book. One of the witches even goes as far as to push a baby stroller down a cliff so that Luke will run after it and they will have a chance to capture him.
Luke tells his grandmother the news and her thoughts about the women at the resort were true.Luke began to comtemplate an ultimate plan that would destroy the witches and keep them from hurting the children of England. Luke plans to steal some of the witches potion and poison them with their own craft. The potion is placed into the watercrest soup that the witches will have the final night they are at the resort. Like most restuarant customers are not a allowed in the cooks kitchen however Luke uses Bruno; now a mouse, to place the potion in the Watercrest soup.
The ending of the book is very surprising and the plan that Luke and Bruno created turned all the witches into mice. The convention was now turned into a swarming field of mice running all around the dinning area. People came from the kitchen trying to trap and destroy all the ugly rodents running around the dinning hall. The book is a excellent tale about a boy who feels defeated because of the loss of his parents, but is able to gain strength through his grandmother, friend, and herioc feets.

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