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All Creatures Great And Small
(Gerald Durrell)

I believe.... in democracy,  freedom so why do we have to go through so much bull s*** to get on with life.  Reading this book or watching the television show of All creatures great and small was very educational it is a book that you can really get into. It is a show that tells you the truth about what veterinarians do, they don't beat around the bush. They get on with it, they are vets that do everything, they look after cows, horses, dogs, cats, fish, and they take care of their own family to and deliver their own babies. It is a set in a small village in England, the basis of it all is set in Yorkshire. The television show is based on the book and you get to see it for real instead on having to imagine it all through the book. I can relate to this village, I grew up in a small village in England where I saw alot of farming and being able to see the babies being born it is the coolest thing. It is a new thing for everyone over here if you grew up in a big city like Vancouver BC which is where I presently reside. I guess this is why the show is a big hit over here in North America. It is a wonderful show and a fantastic book and I recommend for anyone to read it young or old.  It tells you about all the things vets do, but also it tells you a good story everytime you tune in. It lets you be there it  takes you back in time to the way it was,  it keeps you guessing all the way through the show. There is always a good mystery.   Any way I'll sign off now and write another abstract again soon hope you enjoy.

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