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La Chambre
(Francoise Chandernagor)

Write your abstract here. A small boy is imprisoned in a locked and bolted room,a boy of eight, stripped of all he knew: parents, sister, friends, servants,palace-home,toys, pets. He is a boy who has never even learnt to dress himself. He is brought good meals regularly, whether he eats them or not. He is under constant surveillance but his gradual decline is not observed.He curls himself into a mental and physical ball to protect himself from a world which has destroyed all he knew. This moving story can be read on several levels. For those normally suspicious of historical novels the detailed list of sources is reassuring.Thanks to Chandernagor's thorough research a meticulous picture is built up of the room and its furnishings, the character and background of the ever-changing gaolers , the political upheavals and barbaric killings outside the 'prison' building and, centrally,with flashbacks to his luxurious royal beginnings, the stifled life of the child, unfolding hour by anxious hour for an eternity of two bleak years. Against the wider historical background we have a powerful psychological study of the effects of solitude on an unformed human-being and the effects of fear on child and adults alike. The deadly clamp of tyranny with its accompanying terror and corruption constricts every action or more often causes fatal inability to act.The awful truth is that this child is not being killed by deliberate cruelty but by negligence and fearful obedience to nonsensical bureaucratic regulations.Which of us would have had more courage than his ignorant guards and tried to save him? in other words, this is not only a superbly well-written'good read' but has thought-provoking insights into human nature.

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